Thursday, October 22, 2009

Just a virus?

I had my period last week, lasted approx. 3-4 days, but was mostly normal, then I had some brown discharge for 2 more days (very light) I felt like this was pretty normal for me. My husband and I have not been using any protection, but have been "pulling out" For two days I have been unable to hardly eat anything because I am so nauseated. I am pretty sure this is just a bug, but anyone else every experienced these symptoms along with pregnancy?

Just a virus?husqvarna

Yes nausea can be a sign of pregnancy, it has been for me with all four pregnancies so far. With this pregnancy I began feeling nausiated ONE week after conception!

Just a virus?microsoft office

While pulling out will eventually lead to pregnancy, if you had your period you are not pregnant. The brown blood is just old blood, normal to have before or after your pregnant. You've just got a bug. But, again, if you aren't wanting to become pregnant you need to look into reliable birth control since pulling out is not effective.

I edit because I saw the post below...

As someone who has worked in the medical field, let me assure you that you cannot have a period during pregnancy. Can you have bleeding? Sure, in fact it's common. But if you're having an actual period, clots %26 all, it involves the shedding of the uterus lining, which a baby could not survive. If you shed the lining of your uterus, you also shed the fetus. Therefore, if you have a heavy, normal period, you not pregnant.
Take a test if your nervous.

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