Monday, June 21, 2010

How do I get my audio back to working and the soft Agere Modem working on my desktop?

I installed RegCure to fix my registry keys and have virus protection, when I removed it the modem and audio devices don't work, no matter what I do, My restoration is stuck on March 9th, It won't backup to an earlier time. My last attempt is my back up disk from desktop and/or my laptop both are XP.

How do I get my audio back to working and the soft Agere Modem working on my desktop?virus scanner


Re-install the drivers from the CD, that should work.. If it doesn't get a copy of WinXP Manager and clean your registry (full cleaning to delete useless registry key probably left by RegCure) then try to re-install.

The above should work. If not, formatting is the only option left...

How do I get my audio back to working and the soft Agere Modem working on my desktop?anti virus software

Try going to the internet and finding the drivers for your devices and reinstall them. is a good place to look.

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