Monday, June 21, 2010

Help my work colleagues computer is taking forever to defrag?

Please please Help!

My work colleague has found her pc to be running very slow and has set it to defrag this being last night and most of today - The problem is the info bar on screen , just keeps displaying 0 % complete even though it's been hours. There has been no error messages.

She has tried to stop it and start again in case pc had crashed but still to no avail. I have told her to contact the Guy who looks after our pc's who is of site but she wont. she has checked virus protection, everything seems fine.

Please help me she is driving me mad!

Help my work colleagues computer is taking forever to defrag?windows

there may be something running in the background writing Io the drive - try starting the PC in safe mode and defrag from there

Help my work colleagues computer is taking forever to defrag?antivirus download

Defragmentation is a slow process, but if it reads 0% after several hours then it's almost certainly crashed. You probably have a virus or registry problem. Something like Norton Utilities should be able to sort it out. If she wants to try a free utility try downloading Ccleaner. Its available at
defraging requires enough free space on the harddrive to rearraing the information. the hard drive may be to full to allow this! try to uninstall all unused programs first,reboot and then defrag.%26#123; this can be caused by multiple system back ups%26#125;
You may not be aware of this but defrag will not work if your ant-virus programme is turned on.

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